
What other movie is the witch from brave in
What other movie is the witch from brave in

The movie is directed by Brenda Chapman and Mark Andrews, neither of whom have stellar track records. In the end I couldn’t help thinking I had just seen a variation of a past Disney film Brother Bear. Brave seems to have all the right ingredients to fit among Pixar’s best but it never really comes together. While doing this many of them have a certain uniqueness about them whether it’s about a little robot seeking love or an elderly man befriending a pudgy boy scout on an adventure. They all hit just the right notes in terms of story and heart.

what other movie is the witch from brave in

Past Pixar movies have a certain magic to them. Now it is a race against time to reverse the curse before it destroys the kingdom and Merida’s family. The witch promises her a spell that can change her fate, but like all witch’s spells there are unintended consequences and things go horribly wrong. When Merida defies an age old custom of her people, picking her future husband from the surrounding kingdoms sons, Merida runs away into the forest and meets a witch.

what other movie is the witch from brave in

Merida is a tomboy at heart, much more happy to shoot arrows and mountain climb than to play princess, much to the dismay of her mother the Queen.

What other movie is the witch from brave in